Brooks’ Coulson email exchange on Goodman Mulcaire guilty pleas: “It is all going so well”

The CPS have released copies of the email exchange between Rebekah Brooks (Wade as she was then) and Andy Coulson on the day the guilty pleas by NOTW Royal Reporter, Clive Goodman, and private investigator Glenn Mulcaire, were first entered in the original phone hacking trial in 2006.

As can be seen in previous evidence, both in chief and in cross examination, this email exchange takes place after Brooks met the investigating officer in the original phone hacking investigation (Operation Caryatid), DCI Surtees, earlier that year. They discuss whether to leak the fact Mulcaire had hacked her phone and (allegedly) the editor of the Daily Mail, Paul Dacre.

Brooks claims the idea of the leak was “Les’ idea” (Les Hinton was CEO of News International at the time). Coulson argues that such a leak might antagonise Mulcaire at a time when “it is going so well.”

There has been little new visual evidence during the opening of the defence cases. Brooks continues in the witness box on Monday, with cross-examination by Anthony Edis, QC. All the defendants deny all the charges.

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2 thoughts on “Brooks’ Coulson email exchange on Goodman Mulcaire guilty pleas: “It is all going so well”

  1. The joke about MFI and MI5 is a corny old one which I remember my daughter bringing home from school more than a decade ago. Consequently I don’t believe her. She is blatantly recycling it to play the jury:” I have this wonderful and highly salaried PA who destroyed evidence only because she is scatty, she meant no harm” . Similarly bumbling old harmless Charlie – what a card! Bright enough to employ her professional security team! What a cynical attempt at manipulation.

  2. Pingback: The phone hacking e-mail exchange between Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson | David Hencke

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